I spent this afternoon adding a bunch of pictures to my instagram account. Today is the 73rd day of 2017, and I've only finished 46 quilt blocks so far. My original goal was to average one quilt block per day, so I'm way behind schedule!
My average will probably be restored to a more respectable level once I start finishing some of my other projects. The blocks I posted today were almost all from different quilt-alongs I've been following this year, rather than from actual quilt patterns that I've planned from start to finish. Like any long-time quilter, I have a huge pile of unfinished objects in my house. I'll get them done. Someday.
My quilt guild is having a membership drive and quilt show this weekend, so I'm working on a few quilts that are close to being finished right now. I really miss having my own longarm quilting machine, but I have purchased a frame that can be used with my Bernina for quilting smaller quilts. I haven't yet tried the stitch regulator that came with my machine, so I'm working on a doll quilt for my youngest daughter to use as a test project. If that goes well, I'll feel more confident about using the machine on a much larger quilt.
For now, it's time to get back to sewing.
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